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Saeed El-Darahali

President & CEO, Simply Cast

Saeed El-Darahali is the President and CEO of SimplyCast, a leading provider of self‑service, multi‑channel marketing services empowering small businesses to create, manage and track their own online and offline marketing campaigns. The driving force behind the company, he has helped it grow into a global success with clients in over 175 countries.

With over 15 years of management experience, Saeed brings his experience in corporate financing, strategic growth, operations, sales, and marketing management to his business and the IT industry. Saeed has provided advisory and consulting support to various organizations and programs such as the Government of Canada’s Federal Innovation Round Table, the Wage Standard Survey, and the Bank of Canada.

An active member of the community, Saeed volunteers on many boards, among others the Chamber’s Board of Directors to share his experience and help others achieve their goals.
Saeed holds a Masters of Business Administration, a Bachelor of Science in Computer Science, a Certificate of Human Resource Management and Minor in Economics, from Saint Mary’s University in Halifax, Nova Scotia.

$ 147
/ année
  • vous obtenez
  • Jusqu’à cinq reprĂ©sentants;

  • VisibilitĂ© sur le site Internet, certaines communications et le matĂ©riel promotionnel;

  • VisibilitĂ© forte et rĂ©currente sur nos plateformes de mĂ©dias sociaux et dans notre infolettre mensuelle;

  • Donner des confĂ©rences ou des ateliers et participer Ă  des tables rondes en tant qu’expert en la matière;

  • ĂŠtre recommandĂ© comme expert dans votre domaine;

  • PossibilitĂ© d’offrir des promotions et des rabais exclusifs aux membres de la Chambre

$ 145
/ année
  • vous obtenez
  • Jusqu’à trois reprĂ©sentants;

  • VisibilitĂ© occasionnelle sur certaines communications aux membres;

  • VisibilitĂ© sur nos plateformes de mĂ©dias sociaux et, de temps Ă  autre, dans notre infolettre mensuelle;

  • Donner une (1) confĂ©rence ou un atelier et participer Ă  des tables rondes en tant qu’expert en la matière;

  • ĂŠtre recommandĂ© comme expert dans votre domaine;

  • PossibilitĂ© d’offrir des promotions et des rabais exclusifs aux membres de la Chambre.